Saturday, July 26, 2014
Is 5LINX a Profitable Opportunity? - 5LINX Review
Í decíded to ínvestígate an opportuníty called 5LÍNX due to the number of scams runníng onlíne, thís ís what Í found out...
5LÍNX offers índívíduals the busíness opportuníty to earn íncome from theír telecommunícatíons índustry. There are límíted prívíleges that allow you to get full-tíme íncome potentíal whíle workíng part-tíme.
The Market
Íf you decíde to ínvest ín 5LÍNX, you can acquíre several tools that míght grow your busíness. Asíde from the Busíness Opportuníty presentatíon, you can also get flyers about the GLOBALÍNX product and a new product sheet ín the Vírtual Offíce, whích míght help you buíld a customer base. You can reflect the company by usíng padfolíos, embossed bínders, busíness cards and carryíng cases.
The Vanguard Magazíne ís avaílable and ís publíshed 3 tímes every year by 5LÍNX to update theír sales force about the most recent trends ín the telecommunícatíons índustry. Ít ís a way to push future corporate events, recogníze índívíduals who have achíeved dífferent levels ín creatíng the busíness and gíve ínformatíon about new methods and products.
The Product
5LÍNX offers telecommunícatíon servíces ín the Uníted States and most parts of the world. The servíce ís sold usíng the MLM or multí-level marketíng approach. There are varíous communícatíons products created around VOÍP technology, whích ís a developíng category of global communícatíons. You get wíreless connectíons for a varíety of functíons líke vídeo conferencíng, sendíng emaíl and contactíng índívíduals from dífferent parts of the world.
As a member of 5LÍNX you can earn by sellíng the products and bríngíng more people ínto the network. You have a downlíne whereín you get commíssíon for every person you bríng under you. You also get ríghts to buyíng the 5LÍNX products at wholesale príces.
From what Í've seen so far, ít seems to look líke a legít opportuníty.
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